Monday 12 January 2009

Weird Clones!

I found this in a battle, Shadow Troops vs. Ice Warriors.

If anyone knows how to do it and tells me how to do it... I'll try and make you famous and...
If you give my your username and pass...
I'll get you millions of coins!

Friday 2 January 2009

New January Penguin Style Cheats

Here are the new penguin style cheats:

Click on the red paint pot on the colour page:

Click on the middle bubble on the left of the Spikester Threads:

Fruit Headdress:
Click on the lower flower pot on the bottom of the Mexican range:

Yellow Scarf:
Click on the Orange and White striped present at the bottom of the tree:

Russian Hat:
Click on the left mountaintops snow:

Viking Helmet:
Click on the top part of the tree on the left. (snowy part):

Pink Pom Pom Toque:
Click on the the snowmans hat (not the costume, the real snowman):

Red Hoodie:
Click on the centre of the biggest snowflake on the right:

New January Penguin Style catalogue & New band Fiesta Feasts

The new Penguin Style Catalogue was out today! The Big Wigs have now combined into one big catalogue with the Penguin Style: Cheats coming soon.

I have a new band called Fiesta Feasts here are the penguins in it:
Georgila: Electric Guitarist Likiday: Trumpetist
Twilightgem: Maracas Rexo60007(me): Acoustic Guitarist
Cally49964: Dancer

In the picture shows Rexo60007 (red arrow) and Georgila (blue arrow) in the Gift Shop Today

Thursday 1 January 2009

Let the games begin

New news about The Tornado of Puffles!

First Episode is out on the 22/1/09

Here is a sneak peek of the scene at the Cove. (the scene is at the Cove when it starts as the first tornado is seen)

Click on the picture to largen.